Friday, July 30, 2010

no to blue hair and nalis in the workplace!

I find myself tying to figure out why someone would want blue hair or nails. There is a local television programme that features a young professional woman who wears a wig with a huge blue fringe. Her character is an editor of a women’s magazine and she should represent the image of the young, upwardly mobile corporate woman of today. Unfortunately, she does actually represent many young working women.

Hair color and makeup are supposed to enhance your natural features and I have yet to meet a human with blue hair or blue nails,unless attributed to some strange fungus or medical condition. I have been in meetings where people find themselves more engrossed in the appearance of a participant than the content of what they have to add. This is particularly true as the choices some make in terms of their personal appearance become more and more extreme. I recently saw a man with a corset piercing in his neck. I couldn’t focus on what he had to say but rather the pain he must have endured to get that thing. The point is why create distractions to your competence and contributions when they can be avoided?

I am not saying that young women must abandon their personal styles, but rather adapt to the expectations of the workplace. I can fondly remember a time when I would opt for a leather bikini top and a pair of ripped jeans to attend a party. Fortunately for all, I do not chose such an ensemble any longer and certainly not when I am consulting with a client. Social dress differs greatly from what is essential in the work environment.

I want young woman to err on the side of conservatism much more. When in doubt, wear something understated until you have an opportunity to gauge the environment. When starting a new job give yourself a chance to be evaluated by what you say and, not by what you wear. Once you have added to the overall tapestry of the organisation then you can make your mark, modestly, by expressing your personal style.

Be sure that the message you send with your appearance is consistent with who you are, your accomplishments to date and does not hinder your ambition!

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